If you have two loaves of bread sell one and buy flowers. For although the bread will nourish your body, the flowers will nourish your soul.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pickled Tink

I certainly haven't had much time to stamp lately. But I'm not complaining, because God has blessed us with a wonderful harvest this season and we've been able to put up a lot of food. My kitchen counters are full of pickles right now. We did 11 1/2 quarts of lime crisps, 4 pints of banana peppers, 21 1/2 pints of zucchini relish, and 20 quarts of zucchini pickles. In addition, I've made zucchini cake, zucchini bread, frozen grated zucchini for future cakes and breads, fried zucchini, and baked cheesy zucchini rounds. Plus, I have a recipe for zucchini soup but haven't made that yet. If anyone has a tried and true way to use zucchini, I'm open. :)

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