If you have two loaves of bread sell one and buy flowers. For although the bread will nourish your body, the flowers will nourish your soul.

Monday, May 31, 2010

More Blooms and the Funky Bench

Sweet peas.
Spiderwort, hostas, purple salvia and chrysanthemums.

My husband's family is getting ready for the estate sale of his parents' belongings.  One of the things he brought home from his dad's workshop is this old bench.  My first thought was to sand and paint it. It's kind of a funky color. But the more I live with it, the more I love it's stains and worn areas. It has seen it's share of things repaired and workshop projectsI think I'll keep it just the way it is.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

National Pike Festival Fleas

Two weekends ago was the National Pike Festival in our area, and a prime yard sale weekend. I did score some neat bargains but have only this one photo right now to share.  I got this great (at least I think it's great) metal hanging planter for $5. I'm not sure whether it is a planter or part of a light fixture but I love it.  

Here it is planted.
I can't wait until it fills out.

A Glimpse of Heaven

Everything's abloom!   It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I have been busy in the garden. There's a little more mulching to do and then it's just maintenance.  And enjoyment. Isn't it so good of God to give us a little taste of heaven right here?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Miniature Beauties

I've pretty much spent every waking moment outside lately, except for rainy days. How can I be inside when it's so gorgeous?  (Of course, please don't ask me how clean my house is.)  But my garden looks so good. I had to take pics of these little darlings. My friend, Judy, gave me one little blade starter plant year before last. This is the first year I've seen blooms. Just how little are they?  

Pretty little.